Thursday, 30 January 2020

What is Thrush Infection? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of Thrush

Thrush Infection
Thrush infection usually appears on your tongue. It is a white rash inside your mouth. The white layer is an infection of the mouth that appears because of the yeast. Well, the candida fungus is the reason behind the thrush. Moreover, you can feel thrush on your tongue and other body parts. The thrush can cause diaper rash in infants. You can see the rash on the tongue and sides of your mouth.

Anyone can suffer from the thrush infection; however, it happens in the toddlers and infants the most. Moreover, the vulnerable people, who are old or have a low immune system, can get the thrush quickly.

Causes of Thrush
Well, the main reason for the thrush is candida fungus. It develops in your mouth, digestive tract, and skin. Well, candida fungus should be there all the time, it is under the control of other bacteria in a body. However, sometimes, it becomes uncontrollable, then it causes infection on your skin. Well, the main reasons for thrush are the medicines you are taking, your sudden illness, and specific diseases like corticosteroids. When you take antibiotics, you can suffer from a thrush infection. The antibiotics and other medicine can disturb the balance of bacteria. Therefore, the fungus gets out of control and creates yeast that results in thrush.

Another cause of thrush is stress. The medicines you take for anxiety or depression can cause thrush. Moreover, diabetic patients have to face thrush infection the most. Medicines can create fungus. Due to the medicine, your candida fungus quantity gets out of control, and you will have to suffer from thrush. A thrush infection can develop on any part of the body. But, the more possibility of thrush is in your mouth.

HIV Infection is another reason for thrush. HIV symptoms can cause thrush infection on your skin and mouth. Here again, the cause is medicines. The medicines of HIV can cause thrush.

If a person has traits of cancer, he will have to face a thrush infection. Moreover, smoking can cause a thrush infection on your mouth. As smoking can destroy the enamel and creates bacteria in your mouth.

Symptoms of Thrush
Well, as I told you above that the thrush is like a white layer. It is white yeast that appears on your tongue, inner cheeks, gums, throat, and the roof of the mouth. A thrush infection can be painful. However, in its initial stages, you may not feel it in your mouth. If the infection gets severe, the thrush can appear in your esophagus.

The symptoms of thrush are fever, pain, swallowing in gums or mouth, rash, and difficulty in eating. Moreover, if you have thrush, the food will be stuck in the middle of your chest while eating. Thrush can cause a high level of problems in those people who have a week immune system.

Test of Thrush
If you have a thrush infection, you have to go through a medical test. The dentist will check your mouth if there is something like cottage cheese, then you have thrush. Moreover, the dentist will take a sample of your mouth and pass it to the lab for confirmation.

If you have thrush into your esophagus, then the doctor will do your endoscopy, and X-Ray of your stomach and small intestine. A throat culture test will happen for liver, chest, and throat thrush.

Treatment of Thrush Infection
If your immunity is strong, then it is easy to treat you. The doctor will recommend antifungal medicines if your condition is not worse. You will have to take those medicines for 10 to 15 days. However, if your condition is worse and you have low immunity, then the treatment will take a longer time.

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